Bride Magazine - Photo of the Week!


I am absolutely chuffed to bits to be able to announce this photograph of the stunning Gemma and Tom Buckley has won "Photo of the Week" with Bride Magazine!

Photography is not only my business or my job, it is my passion, my art. So when you work very hard at something it is so rewarding to be recognised for it. It really does warm the cockles of your heart!

A quiet moment for the couple, with a dramatic sky, and a lovely location. After a very grey morning, the sun came through the clouds with perfect timing to allow me to capture this beautiful shot of the bride and groom.

This photograph was taken at the wedding of Gemma & Tom, at Telford Golf & Spa Hotel in Shropshire. A huge thank you to the wonderful couple and the venue.

Why not have a little peek at the article? Just follow the link below.